Understanding Will-Future tense: Formation, usage and example sentences

One of the most significant future tenses in English is the will-future tense. Thus, you must comprehend the will-future if you want to make predictions, promises, or unplanned decisions in English. We assist you in comprehending the future. We provide you with a rule for creating a future will and explain in detail when to use it.

The formation of the Will Future tense

You just need to learn and follow the rule for the English will-future tense. Fortunately, this rule is not violated by any irregularities. So, we advise you to spend some time learning this rule. Here is the formula for creating the future tense of "will":

Subject + will + verb (basic form).

As you can see, the auxiliary verb "will," as the name implies, is required to form the will future tense. The will future tense is then formed by using only the most basic form of the verb in your sentence. See the following examples of sentences for more details.

She will start her new job next month.
They will buy a new house in the suburbs.
He will call you later tonight.
We will meet at the coffee shop tomorrow.
I will travel to Japan next year.

The use of the Will future tense

When discussing processes, circumstances, or actions that are not yet 100% certain, the will-future tense is used in English. Speaking of events that will occur soon requires the use of the future tense, or "will." Therefore, you express the following situations using the will-future tense:

  • Predictions
  • Assumptions
  • Intentions
  • Promises
  • Spontaneous decisions

It is crucial that you comprehend the use of the will-future tense because there is a very slight difference between it and the going-to-future tense, and it is simple to confuse the two English future tenses. As a result, as opposed to going-to-future, the will-future tense is used to discuss uncertain future events. For a better understanding of the will-future tense, it is best to look at the following examples of sentences in that form.

Example sentences Usage
I think it will rain tomorrow. Predictions
He will probably be late for the meeting. Assumption
I will study for the exam tomorrow. Intention
I will call you when I get home. Promise
I'm thirsty. I will get a glass of water. Spontanesous Decision

Signal words for the Will future

There are a few signal words that indicate the use of the Will future. However, you should note that many of the signal words below do not only indicate the use of the Will-Future. Because of the similarity to going-to-future, you need to be careful with some of the signal words and always remember that the will-future is always used for not quite sure states in the future.

Signalword example sentences  
Soon They will finish their project soon.
Later He will call you later tonight.
Eventually They will move to a bigger house eventually.
Probably I will probably go to the beach this weekend.
Maybe She will maybe come to the party tonight.
Perhaps I will perhaps take a nap this afternoon.
I think I think I will move to Mexico next year.
I believe I believe they will win the game.

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